Additions and corrections

Synthesis and structure of [Zn(OMe)(L)]·[Zn(OH)(L)]·2(BPh4), L = cis,cis-1,3,5-tris[(E,E)-3-(2-furyl)acrylideneamino]cyclohexane: structural models of carbonic anhydrase and liver alcohol dehydrogenase

Leroy Cronin and Paul H. Walton

Chem. Commun., 2003, 1572 (DOI: 10.1039/b302895j) Amendment published 13th October 2003

To reflect more accurately the known literature, we wish to modify the following (towards the end of the first paragraph):

'Moreover, there are only three known structures of four-coordinate monomeric zinc-hydroxide species and no known structures – other than that of LADH7 – of monomeric, four-coordinate zinc-alkoxide species, where the alkoxide is a 'simple' unsubstituted alkoxide such as methoxide and ethoxide.8-10'


'There are known structures of four-coordinate, monomeric zinc-hydroxide and zinc-alkoxides species,7-10 but there are no known structures of monomeric, four-coordinate, cationic zinc-alkoxide species, where the alkoxide is a 'simple' unsubstituted alkoxide such as methoxide or ethoxide.'

and change reference 8 to:

'Examination of the CSD database reveals no monomeric, cationic complexes with a four coordinate zinc(II) ion where any one of the four ligands is a simple alkoxide such as methoxide or ethoxide; there is a structure of a monomeric, neutral, four-coordinate zinc(II) ethoxide complex, see C. Berquist and G. Parkin, Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38, 422, and see also G. Parkin, Chem. Commun., 2000, 1971.'

Our results and conclusions are not changed by these corrections.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for this error and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

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